Wednesday, July 2, 2008

New P Day starting July 28th-Monday's

As for me, things are great!  
Oh, and before I forget, they are changing our
preparation days to Monday starting the 28th,
just so you know. And yes pops, I
do read ALL of both your emails, sorry if I
don't answer all your questions, its
hard to remember them all. Thanks for the
list of questions, I will just
paste the list and answer them.

* Have you gotten your replacement debit card yet?
Yeah, I did. Thank you so much. I got it over a week ago,
sorry for forgetting to tell you. I just haven't had to use it.
But I am probably going to today.
In France, there are never sales during the year;
but, twice a year, they have a
month long thing cold "soldes" or sales in
English where country wide everything
goes 50 percent off, literally, 50 percent off.
It is ridiculous. I don't know
why anyone would buy anything any other
time of the year. So I think I might
get some shirts and a couple ties today if that is OK.
If there is anything you
guys want just let me know and I will
get it for you and send it home.

* Did you get your suits taken in?
I haven't yet, but I am trying!
I don't really know where to get it done at. I
yellow paged tailors and the one I stopped
by said he could do it, but not for a
month because of soldes,
so we will have to see. They really are
pretty big on me now so it would be nice
to get them taken in. I am going to keep looking
though. I think at Christmas time, or the
next soldes, I might want to get a
French suit; they really aren't too much.
But I will let you know when I do and
how much it will cost.

* How's the French coming?
It is coming OK. I can communicate with
people enough to get by, and I can
understand almost everything.
I am still working hard on it though. It is
definitely prevalent that the Lord's
hand is helping me out!

* Did your baptism of St. Cyr actually happen
last Sunday? If so, how did it go?
YES! I had my first baptism last Sunday!
The branch president baptized him.
It was amazing. I have pictures of him and
the branch president on my camera.
They really encourage us to have ward
and branch members baptize converts
because it is a much better integration
into the church and more fellowshipping
is involved. But it went so well!
I will send you a copy of the program and
pictures soon. I am surprised with the success
I have already had. That was the
first person either of my companions have
taught that has been baptized and they
have both been out over a year!
Hopefully I will keep seeing success.

* Are you getting enough to eat -
I'm concerned you've lost so much weight?
haha, yes; I am getting more than enough.
I have lost it in my neck and
shoulders mainly so I am still as big as ever,
no worries. But I am eating
well, and I try to eat an orange and a yogurt
every day, even though I have
gotten in the habit of drinking coke again,
but it is nice to have.

* How are you and your companion getting along
- are you legends yet?
We are getting along so well!
I love Elder McKnight, we have so much in common.
We are doing a lot of good things here in Metz,
and its funny you ask that; we
haven't become legends yet, but we did
accomplish something this week.
Our year wide goal this year in our mission
is to "reverse the trend" meaning
that in the last 5 years, there have been
less and less baptisms every quarter.
So our goal this year is to have more than
the same quarter the year previous,
and to also beat the last months baptismal number.
So, we had 28 first quarter
and we needed 29 this quarter, which ended yesterday.
Well, we only had 9 going
into June so it looked bad but we got 18 more
going into Sunday. A ville in St.
Etiene had one Sunday morning and then ours
in the afternoon made it 29! The
day before the end of the quarter.
It was amazing. You cant say the Lord
didn't help us. I know we only achieved
this goal because of the help of our
Heavenly Father. So, we haven't become
legends yet, but people were calling us
from all over the mission thanking us for
getting the baptism we needed.
I love this work.

Remember I love you
and that there is nowhere else I would rather be!


mamasteph said...

I always love to read what he has to say! He is always so positive and uplifting and he just seems so happy! I'm so proud of him!

Biggie T said...

I know he doesn't get a lot of time for emails so it was really good to get him to answer some questions. He does seem to be doing really well and glad he has had a baptism so soon in this difficult part of the vineyard. It is great to know he is healthy and well and being successful.