Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I am doing great! 

We didn't receive a call from President Peterson on Tuesday
so that means that I will be here in Metz for another 6
weeks with Elder McKnight! Although I do like to travel
around and see new places, I love Metz, which is
argumentatively the most beautiful city in the mission
architecture wise, and I love Elder McKnight, and
I am excited to continue the upward trend of work we
have been having here in Metz!
We had so many miracles this week, too many to write about!
I can't tell you how many people stopped us on the street
and asked us to tell them about what we are doing and
about our church; it was great!

One instance in particular was on Saturday, when we had
a scheduled rendez-vous with a less active who had bailed
on us the last 4 times. On our way there we
felt inspired to call a former ami who had also bailed
on the previous 4 rendez-vous; but, he answered and we
set one up for an hour after our rendez-vous with Albert,
the less active. Well, we got to Albert's and he was
there, with two people he wanted us to teach! So we
shared a lesson on the atonement and added the two
women there as amis! Then, as we walked to our
other sketchy rendez-vous, a man stopped us in the road
and asked us if we had another Bible. After explaining
that no, we believe in the Bible, but we also
have another book of Scripture, the Book of Mormon,
we asked if we could come in and talk more and he said yes!
That really doesn't happen here. We talked about
the restoration as he poured us glass after glass of coke!
It was amazing. We have another rendev-vous with him and
his wife, they are both Portuguese, this Thursday!
Things like that have been happening all week and there
is no other way to explain it but miracles from God!
I am so lucky to be able to be doing this work!

Our car broke down and we had to have it fixed.

I will be writing you this Monday because that will be my
new preparation day, so, if you would like to write
on Sunday that would be great!

Je t'aime
Elder Clayton Henderson Welch


mamasteph said...

I absolutely love that he is doing so well. I know he makes great sacrifices, so it is nice to see that it is paying off for them!

grana and pops said...

Keep up the good work. Remember 2 Timothy 4:2. Gran and I are hanging in day to day. Rob finished chemo this week and we are praying she gets healthier each day. Have we told you lately that we love you. Gpops