Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Exchange week

Wow, this week has flown by.

As to the questions you posed pops:
What was your favorite kind of chocolate?

haha, tough question. I actually am not a
huge fan of chocolate, I am surprised

you didn't know that. I think Mom knows that.
But it actually was way good. I have actually
grown to really like it on my mission. I like any
chocolate with nuts in it, preferably almonds.
But, there was this one chocolate called "air

chocolate;" haha, it was pretty good.
Strange, but good. It was just kind of bubbly.

So how far away are Brul and Yverdon from Bienne?
About 30 some minutes on train to Yverdon and
an hour in the car to Brul. We rode in the car with the

zone leaders because they have one. It isn't that far
away but you have to go like around lakes and
find interstates.

What are the rest of the missionaries in your zone like?
Here is the line up.

Elder Hamilton: One of the two zone leaders.
Biggest kid in mission. Football player from California
and that is all we talk about. haha, he is one of my

favorite people in the mission. He is actually 24 and
already graduated from college at BYU and getting
married a month after he gets home.
Elder Cook: Other zone leader. He is pretty cool.
He talks like Napoleon Dynamite a lot, haha.
Elder Rennick. He is in neuchatel and is one of my
favorite missionaries in the mission. He is about to go
home but he is from California and was on the

us national cycling team (juniors, under 25).
He is the man.
Elder Buhinin: my age in the mission.
He is way good at the piano.
Elder : Kind of feminine but way nice.
Elder Schmidt: Don't really know him to well. and my

companion Elder Barber who likes cartoons and
stuff like that. haha, but he is still pretty cool.

What is raclet?
The greatest thing ever! Oh man! Ask Patty for further

enlightenment, but it is potatoes boiled and smashed up,
and then you have cheese that you cook in a raclet cooker
that you put on the potatoes and then put some cooked
salami or other meet on top. That and fondue are
really big in Switzerland, though, I have yet to have fondue.

Did you get a chance to watch or listen to all of conference?
If so, what was your favorite talk? All but the Sunday
afternoonsession. It was soo good! I LOVE conference.
I loved Elder Wirthlin's talk, especially when he talked about

his daughter's blind date; probably one of the funniest things
I have ever heard in my life. But they were all way good.

How are the potential amis coming?
Do you still call them amis in Switzerland also?
Yes, they are still called amis. Oh man, I don't know.
It has been a crazy week here, but this week I hope
to find a couple way solid amis and help

some of our current amis to become solid.

But this week was crazy.
I was actually only in Bienne for 2 days. I was in

Brul Monday, Yverdon Tuesday for the exchange,
I went to Neuchatel on Wednesday for an exchange
with Elder Renick because both of our companions
had legality to do in Lyon, and was in Bienne on Friday,
and then Neuchatel again on Saturday and Sunday to
watch conference! I honestly didn't feel like I did
much work here in Bienne, but I did do work other
places I guess. But it was still a good week.
I love to travel so that was alright with me.
And I am just like you mom, I love the scenery on trains,
especially through the Swiss hills and mountains.

As for my birthday and Christmas, no worries.
My mission is my presents.
If you don't want to count that, the coat I bought today,
with a pair of gloves, can count as my presents.
And if you still aren't happy, I think that there is a
charity or 2,you could maybe donate to in my behalf.
But I will think about which ones if you like
or if there is something I need.

But have a great week and keep being you!

Elder Clayton Henderson Welch

1 comment:

mamasteph said...

I'm glad he is staying so busy. It sounds like he is making some great friends also. He is such an awesome guy!