Tuesday, May 5, 2009

If only...a Temple in every city!

This week turned out actually going
very well. On Wednesday we had
scheduled to visit three
"less-active" tongan professional
rugby players who live an hour away
by car. They have no means of
getting to church so they never
really come and it was the first
time I was able to meet them.
They are the raddest people
I have ever met in my life.
We visited them with the intention
of teaching them a short lesson we
had prepared and then eating with
them, but when we arrived, the
first thing they said was that
they had some friends they wanted
to visit. We then proceeded to
one of their friends, a 25 year
old cool french woman. Her
boyfriend is on their
rugby team, and they had actually
alreadygiven her a copy of the
Book of Mormon!
We taught her a great first lesson
and she was wayy receptive to it.
We are going back this Wednesday
to teach her and her boyfriend
with them. Then, they took us
to a Chinese buffet and paid for
us and that was some of the best
food I had eaten in a while!
I thought that french people stared
at missionaries a lot, but
try seeing two american missionaries,
with 3 200-250 pound tongan rugby
players chillen having a good time;
nothing but stares! Then, they,
being the most charitable members
of the church I had ever met,
insisted that we go get ice
cream at mcdonalds, and while
in line, made us each order a
mcflurry and milkshake. THEN,
they asked us if we had time to
go teach more of their friends.
We then went and taught two other
rugbymen from Fiji who are also
on the team.
The one said that he noticed that
the Tongans didnt drink or smoke
and because of their example,
he quit them both a couple of
months earlier. He also said that
before when the missionaries
came to his house in Fiji he would
hide and pretend like he wasnt there,
but now, he will invite them in
in a second because of the great
examples of these Tongan members.
We are going to see these
Fijians this wednesday as well.
After we left, the Tongans FORCED
us to go to McDonalds again to buy
us a meal for the drive home.
They kept saying that it was
them trying to pay back for not
serving missions. 2 of the 3 are
married and one was in the bishopric
before he came out here.
I am astonished by the great
example of these man and I know that
if we would all be able to better
emulate these men, myself especially,
there would be temples in every
city of the world!
Other than this great day, we had a
great time fiding people to teach
here, as well and visiting with
members. We visited with a great
family last night where we played
a gospel game, laying words
like cell phone and computer along
with the book of mormon and the
priesthood and then words like
repentance and the atonement of
Jesus Christ, and took turns
going around the table sacrificing
one thing at a time, (including the
Book of Mormon and others) until we
finished with the atonement.
It was a great experience
and was a great chance to see all
the blessing the Lord gives us in
this life.
They made crepes for us and we had a
great time together.
As for this week, we have a bunch of
great things planned. We will be
going back to Lons, the city where
we will visit the Tongans again.
I am actually going on an exchange
in Besancon today until Wednesday
morning which should go
well, and I will be going to Dijon
Wednesday for zone meeting.

Have a great week!

Elder Bubba

1 comment:

mamasteph said...

I think it's awesome he had such a great experience with the Tongan's! He is doing some great work over there!