Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I actually had one of the most low key weeks of my 
mission surprisingly so not to much to report on.
But I am still doing as great as ever.

My week, as previously alluded to, was pretty
uneventful aside from the usual missionary routine.
I spent almost the whole week here in Bienne.
I have changed the focus here from the missionaries
here in the past to working primarily in the city.
Missionaries in the past worked in the smaller French

only cities in Switzerland which I did my first transfer
here, but it is next to impossible to get members to
help that far away, and even harder to get these

investigators to travel so far for church.
So, we are toughing it out and sifting through the
German speakers here in Bienne. It is a lot harder
but I feel that it is much more productive and we
will have more success in getting people to come
to church. We are still teaching the Iraqi family and
they are great despite the HUGE language barrier.
We have to teach so simply, but they love having us
over. We got them to pray with us last night, and
will be giving the mother, who is pregnant, a
blessing due to an illness on Wed. night and then

we will be eating with them. They are great.
They faced so many hardships in Iraq and had so
many crazy experiences! They once had a bomb go off
by there house, leaving their oldest son unable to
walk for 6 months! They are struggling here in
Switzerland, but they are so grateful and humble to
have their family here together in safety.
It makes you really realize what is
important; Family.

We have interviews tomorrow with the mission president
which I am excited for. He is a very wise and inspired man.
Next Monday is the start of the new transfer and I will know
if I am staying or going. I am pretty sure I will be

staying here with Elder Nelson though.

Elder Clayton Henderson Welch


1 comment:

mamasteph said...

Family IS the most important thing in the world. I am so grateful to be a part of our family!