Friday, June 20, 2008

Miracles Testimony

...Actually it was fathers day here on Sunday as well,
which makes me
wonder why father's day is the same
as the US but mother's day here is two weeks

My new companion, Elder McKnight, he is the man!
He is from Boise,
Idaho but lived in New York City for
a year before his mission. He went to
Columbia University
studying creative writing and economics so he is way smart.

But he is way cool too. He was a dj and he started
linebacker for his
high school football team too.
I get along with him very well and I think we are

going to do some good things. He is in his 7th transfer
and so it is his first
time being a senior companion,
and right now we are trying to figure out how we

can become "mission legends." haha, wish me luck.

The work here is going very well. There is a man named
St. Cyr whom is
about 25 and from central Africa and
studying math here in France. He had a
baptismal date like
3 months ago but when his family threatened to disown him

canceled it 15 minutes before. His father has since become
a lot more open to
the idea and told him he could be baptized
if he could be self sufficient. So,
last Saturday we fasted with
him that he could find a job in Metz along with an

apartment. To start the fast we met with him and I shared
with him the story of
the brother of Jared and how, like in
Ether 12:12, it tells us, that God can do

no miracles save it be by faith. I then told him that
sometimes we need to do
things to show our faith to God
and asked him if he would be baptized on June

29th, two weeks from the day I asked him, and he thought
about it and said yes!
This man has so much faith it is
amazing! I love him and I know that he will
find the help
he needs and he will be baptized and I am so excited
to see the
miracles that will come from his faith!

I am seeing miracles everyday and, as our mission mantra is,
the mission of
miracles, I can personally testify that this is
a mission of miracles and that
no one, not even Satan himself,
can stop this work. God is our Heavenly Father

and he has created this plan for us. Jesus Christ is the only
begotten son and
he did indeed suffer for each and everyone of
our sins and he did die for us
that we too may be resurrected.
Joseph Smith did see God the Father and Jesus

Christ, and through him, they did restore the fullness of the
gospel of Jesus
Christ and the authority to baptize, heal
the sick, marry for all eternity, and
so much more because
of the faith of one 14 year old boy. I have HOPE that I

will live with my Heavenly Father again, with each of you and
with all of our
family. I have HOPE that we can do all things
through our Savior and Redeemer
Jesus Christ, and I have
HOPE that each day I live, each day everyone of us

lives, we become more like and grow closer to
God our Eternal Father.

Elder Clayton Henderson

1 comment:

mamasteph said...

I love his testimony. What an amazing young man! How lucky are we to have him in our family!