Thursday, February 19, 2009

Commet va tu? I am doing very well!
Today was transfer call day, and so,
for the second time on my mission,
I did not receive a call and will be
staying here in Lyon with my current
companion Elder Waller. I am actually
very happy about it, and am excited to
stay here. We are getting along well,
and I know that this is where the Lord
wants me. I am also grateful for the
opportunity to stay in this great city.
Lyon is such a great place!
This week was amazing.
Last preparation day we had the chance
to go to the Basallic, this beautiful
church on the top of the hill in Lyon.
It was so beautiful. There were 6 of
us Elders who went up there. We also
went to the old roman theaters there
are relatively close this the Basillic.
They are beautiful rock theaters,
two actually, where they used to hold
plays, and I believe they still do every
once in a while.
As for missionary work, this week was
good, but a little slower than the
last couple. We still taught about
12 lessons, which is such a blessing
from the Lord.
Friday was amazing. Being able to be
in a chapel with 90 missionaries, an
apostle (Elder Bednar), a member of
the 70 (Elder Kapichke), an area 70,
a stake president, and a mission president
(President Peterson), and all of their
wives, was one of the greatest experiences
of my life. I was privileged enough to sit
in the front row, right in the middle,
just feet away from an apostle of the
Lord, and following the conference, I was
privileged to shake his hand. Elder
Bednart taught us, but it was unlike
anything I expected. It was actually in
the form of a question answer meeting where
for 2 hours he talked to us and about
missionary work, and asking for our
questions all of the time, and than,
for the last hour, he had us ask any
questions we had relating to the gospel.
It was such a spiritually uplifting
I would like to testify to you, that
I know that Elder David A. Bednar is a man
called of God. He is a prophet, seer,
and revelator, and has been called and
literally set apart as a prophet of the
Lord. The spirit which I felt was a
confirming witness for the things I had
already believed to be true. I know
that under the direction of this inspired
man, along with the other living
prophets of the Lord, we can receive the
direction necessary to receive exaltation.
I testify to you that I know that I have
been called of God and have also been set
apart to teach the people here, and that
I know that each and everyone of us are
children of our loving Heavenly Father,
who truly wants nothing more for us than
for us to be happy, but to also learn
and grow and to become like him. Thank
you for everything you have done to help
me better understand all of these
principles in my life and for your great
example.The spirit I felt is still
carrying over, and I hope I can continue
to use these great feelings to help
others find this same happiness in
their lives.
This week will be great.
Tomorrow, we have a zone meeting here in
Lyon which will be great. I love having
the chance to gather as missionaries.
Today we, about 12 missionaries, will be
going to "Le musée de beax arts," the
beautiful art museum here in Lyon which
I am very excited about.
We have a lot of lessons planned already
and I am excited to continue
progressing the work of the Lord.
Elder Bubba Welch

1 comment:

mamasteph said...

The Basallic sounds beautiful! I always love when he shares his testimony!