Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Transfer to Geneva

It brought a huge smile to my
face being able to hear your
voices and I am glad to know
that you are all still having
fun together and you are still
the family I know and love.

Today was the morning of
"transfer calls" so I am able
to tell you what is happening in
the life of Elder Welch.
I have been called to serve in
Geneva with Elder Boisserie,
probably the best missionary
in the mission.
He is 26 and from Paris and
will be finishing his mission in
three months.
I will be in the office serving
as an assistant to the president.
I am humbled my this call while
feelings of inadequacy rest in
my mind. But I know "whom the
Lord calls he qualifies,"
and that the next 4 transfers
will be great. I have the task
of switching the mission presidents
in a month and a half which will
be a great experience seeing how
much revelation and the hand
of the Lord guide this great work.

This week was a great week.
We had the opportunity to go
to Lons again where we visited
with the 3 Tongan Rugby players
who are less active members
through inability to travel
the hour to church. They had
a practice for rugby, but managed
to have one of their friends who
had yet to hear of the gospel
come over and have us teach him
the restoration. He is from
Fiji as well and plays for the
Fiji national team.
We will see him and the other two
Fijians rugby players who are our
investigators tomorrow after noon.
We then got to go watch some of
their practice and chill with the
players, half of which our
investigators to the church.
Lalae, the Tongan who
was in the bishopric in New Zealand
again insisted on buying us McDo
and as he was leaving gave me
one of his Rugby shirts!
It was a great day.
As for the other Tongan family
here in Chalon sur Saone, we
had a family
home evening with them along
with a barbecue. We had a great
game/lesson on the things that
are most important
in life and ended with prayer.
It went way well and they are
actually throwing me a going
away barbecue tomorrow night!
They are honestly the most
charitable people I have
ever met.I was able to go on
an exchange in Besancon last
week which also went very well.
I love exchanges because they
really give me the chance to
learn from all of the great
missionaries in our mission.
We finished our exchange in
Dijon right before zone meeting.
After zone meeting we went to
McDonalds, and, while
leaving, ran into 4 BYU students
in Dijon!
The first time I have run into a
member on the street from
America on my mission!
It was great! We took
pictures in the road as the
French people tried to figure
out what we were doing.

Apart from that it was another
great week in the mission field.
I look forward to the upcoming
week and all of the adventures
that lay in store.
I am nervous, anxious, and excited
at the great things I am going to
learn and for the chance I have to
serve others. I am also excited to
be living in the
City of Geneva with a
French companion.

Have a wonderful week and continue
to "find joy in the journey."
I pray that we all continue to be
strengthened in the Lord and
that everything will go well.
I love you! Have a great week!
Elder Bubba

1 comment:

mamasteph said...

I can't believe he is going to be an AP! Crazy! I love that he seems to be able to reach out to those other's have forgotten! I wish we could have talked to him too! We sure miss and love him tons!