Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Brady Bunch:)

It has been really cold here this week,
which I normally don't mind, but really
cold with NO snow is a killer.
When I was in Grenoble there was snow
which made me soo happy! I love snow,
and Grenoble is such a beautiful city
that I was so excited to be there.
My medical visit went great and I passed,
all they did was give me a physical and
take an xray of my lungs. Everything is
going well with the adjustment of
my companion. I am not going to
lie, having someone who is "happy"
all the time is not as great as you
would think, haha. Its like being in
the Brady Bunch movie; seriously. I mean,
he is a great guy and a great missionary,
but seems a little clueless about the
world and is almost too happy, if that
is possible. But its alright, there is
something to learn from each companion
and there is a reason why we are together.
The Lord has called us together
so I know there is a reason for it.
We had a great night last night!
After church we went and gave a
blessing to one of the sister
missionaries amis and then we
went out to go porting (door to
door) before our rendez-vous
just 40 minutes after.
The first door we knocked
on the man let us in, he was a way
nice Muslim student, and we taught
him and his friend. Then, we went
to our rendez-vous of someone I
contacted over a month ago and him
and his girlfriend were way sweet
and from central Africa! They
were so involved in the lesson
and they were soo receptive!
We will be seeing all of them again
sometime this week!
Tomorrow we will be traveling to
Geneva for Zone Leader council
which I am stoked for!
I love zone leader council.
It will be a great chance to listen to
the Mission President and the
Assistants and receive personal
revelation.We have a lot of really
great rendez-vous planned for
this week which I am very
excited about! We are pretty
much packed until Saturday.
It will be really great.
The seasonal sales, or "soldes,"
started this past week so I think
I might check some of that out today.
I would still love to go buy a suit.
Thank you for allowing me to do so!
Have a great week together and do
something really fun
in honor of me.

Elder Clayton Henderson Welch


mamasteph said...

He seriously cracks me up sometimes! I'm thrilled he is having so many successes!

Biggie T said...

I thought he'd be used to it having lived me me his whole life - haha!