Monday, October 20, 2008

Cultural Night

 I am doing so well!
As for the questions:

How is your new companion, Elder Nelson?
He is sweet. We actually have things
in common and he is probably one of the
most likable missionaries in the mission.
He is rad.

Where is he from and how long has he been out?
He is from
Lehi, Utah. He has been out for just
over 6 months. He is one transfer younger then me.
I am his third companion.

Do you have anything in common?
Yeah, he played football in high school and he likes
to snowboard.

Were you able to reschedule any of the appointments
and did the
amis show up?
A couple but I am really trying my hardest to find the
"elect," those whom God has already prepared, and
I don't feel that we have found anyone who could be

baptized this transfer.
Did you have your cultural night with the branch
yet and did they like the Special K bars? Yes!
They LOVED them.
Thank you so much mom for making them!

I had a couple of people who asked me for the recipe,
so if you wouldn't mind sending it, I wouldn't mind
it to much either!

Have you seen any impact to the world falling
markets in Switzerland?
Honestly, not really. People haven't really talked
about it much. I know there was a

pretty big hit last week though.
But everyone still seems pretty chill as
Have I gotten sick/health? Not really.
There have been two nonconsecutive days

where I had a runny nose but that's it.
I drink a lot of this multi-fruit drink

and I am taking a vitamin everyday.
So this week was good. We unfortunately
had several other lessons fall, but we

were able to find three new amis.
It was sweet! The cultural night was way fun

and it was cool to "hang out" with the ward.
Church was good. The stake president was
there and he is way cool. I taught the priesthood
lesson again and I gave a 15 minute talk on how
we need the members help to achieve a couple

of goals we set for the end of the year, and
how they
corresponded perfectly
with the branch goal they set for the end of the year.
Now we are just talking about ways we
can better follow the rules and be "exactly obedient"
to better have the spirit

with us in our companion study.

Have a great week
Elder Clayton Henderson Welch

1 comment:

mamasteph said...

He sounds super happy! I'm so glad he is enjoying his new companion. If anyone can motivate him, Bubba can!