Monday, August 11, 2008

Alma 26:22

There is a really good parable written on the
Lord's hand in our lives; its called,
"the parable of the unwise bee," by James E. Talmage.
I would highly recommend it.
I probably should tell you a little about my week and also 
clear up the whole legality thing.
Sorry about the confusion with the 'legality!'
I forget that I am not in America
where words that may
be the same have different meanings. Legality is just a

process every person living in France who is
not a citizen must do. When anyone
first arrives,
they must apply for a 'carte de sèjour,' a card simillar to a

green card. First off, you receive a recipicè, and
that is what I currently
have. After I have my medical visit
to make sure that I am healthy enough to

live in France, and buys 'stamps,' they are like 100 €,
I will get my carte de
sèjour. It is just standard french
legality issues, so nothing at all to worry


This week went very well!
It was nice to see all the missionaries in my zone

and the nancy south zone, along with President Peterson
and his wife, and the
assistants to the president.
The topic was on repentance and it was way good!

Our mission has been asked to memorize Alma 26:22,
which basically sums up our
And yes, I did play my harmonica as a special musical number
my companion played piano. It was pretty rad.
I was very nervous though.

You had both mentioned the miracles that I had last week,
and its sweet that you
both mentioned how cool it would
be if all those people were baptized. Well,
good news!
We set 5 more baptismal dates here this week!
The sweet African
familly: Adria, her aunt Sophie, and
her two kids who are old enough Gerald and

Audrey. And also Lydie, the daughter-in-law to
the member who we are working on
It is so sweet! I am so lucky to have this opportunity to be

here doing this amazing work! Thank you so much
for giving me this opportunity
and for paying for my mission.

Are you guys watching the Olympics?
I haven't really heard too much but there

sure are less people on the streets.

Elder Clayton Henderson Welch

1 comment:

mamasteph said...

Isn't it a relief to know his "legality" was nothing to worry about! :) ( a week's worth of worrying later!) 5 baptisms! What an awesome missionary he is! Could we be any more proud of him?!!