Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Elder Bubba's airport call

It was so great to hear from Elder Bubba yesterday.
He sounded really happy and glad to be headed to Switzerland at last.
He said talking on the phone was strange after 2 months without doing that.
Which is funny from a guy who was always using his phone before;)
There were 9 of them headed over to the same mission;
Five Elders and four Sisters.
After 2 months of cafeteria food he seemed anxious to find some
enjoyable food before his plane departed.
He is happy doing what he wants to do at this stage in his life
and that is a really awesome thing.
He said to tell you all he sends his love.
It's Bonjour Switzerland for Elder Bubba!


mamasteph said...

It was nice to hear his voice! He is doing an amazing thing and we are so proud of him! I hope he found something good to eat before boarding the plane! ;)

The Bombic said...

It's so exciting that he's already in Switzerland. I must say I'm jealous. That's funny about the fast food - although I did have a huge Taco Bell craving when I got back from Spain. I guess the absence just makes it all that much better!