Sunday, January 25, 2009


This week was really great, as are
all weeks as a servant of the Lord.
I had the opportunity to go to Geneva on
Tuesday for the Zone Leader council. It
was amazing. We road with Frère Mocellin
again, but we actually took the train
back. I sat next to this sweet guy from
England on the way back who was a
teacher of English literature and so we
had a good time talking about good books
we had both read. It is nice sometimes
just having the chance to speak to
someone in English; especially now that
I speak only to my companion in French
when we are outside. Its good though,
speaking french keeps you really focused
on the work. But at zone leader council
we talked about the new member
lessons, and it was great! I stopped at
the American store on the way to the
gare (train station) and bought a root beer
and a mt. dew which was sweet,
because you can't buy them anywhere else.
This week I had the opportunity to set
another baptismal date with a man named
Frederick Pernet. He is a little socially
awkward, but very wise, and even
studied at the Lyon Biblical School for
6 years. We started teaching him when I
first got here and we asked him to be baptised
the other day after sharing the
story in Mosiah 18 with the people at the
waters of Mormon. But he will be
baptised the 22 of February.
Hopefully I will still be here. We also have a
baptismal date for March 1 with a man named
Vincent Desportes who is a sweet
french guy who is way rich but very
spiritually receptive and can't wait to be
baptized so that he can be a home teacher!
This rest of the week went well and
everything is going well for me. I am doing
well with my companion and I am just
realizing places in my own life where I
need to improve. But, I do have a quote
of the week for you from him. I
mentioned something about girls, and he
told me that he is not going to kiss a
girl until AFTER he is married. Wow.
That's honorable. I just hope his wife
doesn't suck at kissing! haha.
This week will be way good. We are
having a 2 zone blitz, so 24 missionaries
here in Lyon tonight working on finding
people to teach. We are trying to get
people excited about the work, and we have
zone conference tomorrow, which will
be a great chance to work more together
and listen to the President of the
mission. Today we have scheduled a zone
vs zone football game, American
football, which shall be rad!
I am going to Grenoble again this week
to pick up something for my legality so I
am stoked to get to go back, but I don't
ever have time to look at anything. But
it is great to travel.
Other than that I will just be working
hard at serving the Lord, teaching people
about this great gospel, and bringing
others unto Christ!
Last week I did buy a new suit, new
french shirt, and two new way rad ties.
Thank you soldes. I hope I didn't spend
too much money, but I got a lot of way
sweet things. I will have to send you
a picture of my new suit. It is dark
blue with blue pinstripes. I do actually
need to buy a pair of new shoes, so I
hope you don't mind if I do that.
One of my two pairs has a whole in them
and the treading is completely gone
and I slip everywhere.

Have a great week!
Your loving missionary,
Elder Bubba

1 comment:

mamasteph said...

It sounds like he had a great week! I'm glad he got his caffiene fix and I think the story about his comp is hilarious! Bubba is awesome!